How it all began…
I’m a creative at heart. I am most fulfilled when I am creating. I’ve been writing and creating since I was 16 years old. However, from 2015 to 2018, my life suffered so many back to back tragedies, my creative flow STOPPED. I couldn’t imagine putting my pen to paper, my fingers to the ivories, or even my photos into simple scrapbooks. All the things I enjoyed most were ripped away from me during those three years. In the span of just 887 days- my husband was victim of a horrific accident, leaving him bed-bound with years of recovery ahead. Due to his injury, we then stepped away from a career, and a calling, that we loved. Lastly, we said hello and goodbye in the same breath to our twin girls when they were still born at 31 weeks.
In 2021, having just survived a year in quarantine, and a brand new mom to 2 little boys, I sat at my computer on the balcony at the beach, and began to write again. That day, in front of my computer, I cried until I didn’t think I had any tears left. I wept for all that was taken from me, I wept for the years I’d lost to grief, and I wept with joy at the restoration I felt taking hold of my soul. Then, I wrote. I promised my girls I would tell their story- and I will. But I have another one to tell first- my own.
Welcome to my journey. It’s been a long one, and I’m going to enjoy the restoration that the Lord has so graciously and lovingly bestowed upon me. Won’t you join me?
Heather Banks
Author & Creator