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The Presence of My Enemies
There are several Christian songs out right now that discuss, in one way or another, the scripture from Psalms 23:5: “You prepare a table before me in the…
4 min read
Deep Discouragement
Struggle. It seems to be never ending on this side of Heaven. Sometimes, instead of moving from one good thing into another, it’s easy to feel as if…
4 min read
Desperate Grief
I read a quote this morning that has stayed with me all day and into tonight: “We are desperate for something to fill up the space where they…
4 min read
My cousin made a post on Facebook a few weeks ago asking her friends, “What does church mean to you?” She got some varied responses: *Feeling Peace *Worship…
4 min read
There’s a line in a popular country song that says, “Same checks we’re always cashing, to buy a little more distraction.” That slaps me in the face every…
4 min read
There’s something deeply satisfying about restoration. Perhaps it’s a spiritual connection. Restoration comes from the very heart of Christ Himself. His promise to restore has gotten me through…
4 min read